4 Ways a Los Angeles IT Support Provider Can Help You Protect Your Company Data

4 Ways a Los Angeles IT Support Provider Can Help You Protect Your Company Data

Cybercriminals are looking for new ways to steal employee data. Partnering with Los Angeles IT support experts is a great way to keep your information secure. A managed service provider (MSP) is always available around the clock to monitor your network while continually staying proactive against cyber threats.

Here are four ways IT support providers can keep your data safe and secure:

1. Educate Employees

One of the best ways to keep your data safe is to educate employees on the most common types of cyber-attacks. Many times, cybercriminals will create complex phishing scams to gain access to confidential data. Discussing these common strategies is a great way for employees to remain aware of these schemes.

2. Install Anti-Virus & Malware Protection

Installing the latest anti-virus and malware protection is essential for any business. This software plays a key role in keeping your data safe from a wide range of cyber threats in the workplace. A Los Angeles IT support provider will automatically install the latest updates to ensure your business remains safe.

3. Enforce Strict Password Standards

Using strong passwords for each account is another critical aspect of cybersecurity. Each password should be at least eight or more characters while including lowercase and uppercase letters, symbols, and numbers for added protection.

4. Install a Virtual Private Network (VPN)

A virtual private network (VPN) keeps your data secure online by utilizing encryption to make it impossible for cybercriminals to intercept and decipher this information. An MSP will ensure that each employee uses a VPN at all times for the ultimate security.

Finding ways to keep data protected is a top priority for Los Angeles IT support providers. Vitalpoints is a managed service provider that can keep your business well-protected by educating employees, installing the latest anti-virus protection, enforcing strict passwords, and installing a VPN. Feel free to reach out to us to learn more how we can keep your data safe and secure.