
Improve patient satisfaction and stay compliant with HIPAA

As a healthcare professional, you have seen increases in liability insurance premiums, cutbacks in valuable medical research, and extensive paperwork and billing modifications from HIPAA regulations. Keeping up with all of that and maintaining a healthy practice is to say the least, extremely difficult. Are you up to date on all of the recent compliance requirements? Do your people have the time to get themselves up to speed or are they consumed by other tasks related to billing or administration?

No one outside of your field knows exactly what you deal with while doing the day-to-day business of medical administration and health care. Here at Vitalpoints we know that, so we asked those in the medical industry to help us put together a suite of services that could help you in areas where you need a little extra assistance. The end result is Health Point. Find out how we can help you.

Vitalpoints’ Health Point is a system designed for organizations in the medical industry. We focus on:

  • Better industry and legal compliance for systems and processes
  • Faster and more secure data management and transfer
  • Efficiency tools to enhance your competitive advantage
  • System accuracy and reliability
  • Remote monitoring and 24/7 technical support


In this increasingly competitive industry, being a great CPA is no longer simply about being great with numbers; it is about effective and efficient execution.

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Our robust, reliable IT solutions can help your manufacturing firm maximize profitability and efficiency while lowering production costs.

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Technology is a valuable tool for a law firm, but it can also be a liability if it’s not configured and managed correctly.

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The world of nonprofit administration is a more difficult place to do business today than it was a few years ago. To survive, you need to be at the top of your game all the time.

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Small Business

You worked hard to build your business and we’ll work just as hard ensure its long-term viability and success.

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Branch Offices

Experience world-class IT solutions and support that will keep your remote office locations operating at peak efficiency.

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